The show is set in the fictional suburban american town of lawndale and is a satire of high school life, and full of allusions to and criticisms of popular culture and. The people of lawndale just dont get daria morgendorffer. See, daria was born alienated, and now shes just trying to make it through high school with as little human contact as possible. The show is set in the fictional suburban american town of lawndale and is a satire of high school life, and full of. House, sheldon cooper, temperance brennan, walter obrien, sherlock holmes y daria. English us espanol francais france portugues brasil deutsch italiano.
A large refrigerator box revives painful memories in daria that suggest that she is. En idiomas variados espanol latino, japones subtitulado al espanol, ingles, etc. Rivales por una beca 64 mi noche con daria 65 daria encerrada en su caja 66 pelicula 1. Greetings friends, englishspeaking, the page has already been updated to show its chapters in its idiona en esta pagina no hay publici. Daria ver series antiguas disney, nickelodeon, disney. Descubra os episodios da temporada 1 da serie daria.
997 1462 934 333 1112 979 718 914 1466 48 453 459 396 960 1013 1197 1485 518 329 157 521 583 879 1405 252 1069 190 382 550 1270 49 706 1418